Tag Archives: habitrpg

Whoa… and we’re back!

Bah, the last couple of days almost made me die at HabitRPG, mostly because I must complete tasks before midnight (!) and I’ve got used to updating before going to sleep… and that was already late. I had something like 5HP left to avoid losing my beloved belongings, but tonight I made up and the experience gave me a new level (which restores all health), so I’m saved! 🙂 In a boring note, I could still have bought and used a potion, had the money to.

Been quite entertained with the new project, now I’m getting along with method encapsulation and developing resources as I need to. JAWS is awesome, but it lacks some features, such as hitboxes, and correctly being able to tell if a given element is partially inside the viewport … but I’m already implementing them, or didn’t look further into its code (the documentation is not as helpful as I need). JavaScript, in all its freedom, is a nice language but can be a pain sometimes too. Kudos to the guys that develop such great VMs to run all sorts of things, that must indeed be quite a challenge!

That’s it for today, just wanted to put some things out. Still gotta check Evernote everyday to get new blog subjects. I have so much to write about, but the lack of posts exists because I sometimes lack motivation to start the post… once I start writing, words flow nicely. 🙂

Blogging from my ancient Android tablet

Hey there, this is the first post I’m attempting to deliver from one of my cheap tablets (this one being written from an Eyo net-tab, I guess, the name may vary, also looks nothing like the picture), through the amazing WordPress app. I’m typing at one of those mini USB keyboards residing on an imitation leather cover, and I must say that it’s not that bad…

Lately I’ve been playing with some JavaScript engine called JAWS, and a game is starting to take some form. >:) It’s being hard to blog, sometimes due to lazyness, other times to being quite busy (thank HabitRPG for that), but I’m trying… trust me! 🙂

Also been using Hibernate at a Java SE application, and I can’t say bad things about it (aside reproducing some JPA bugs with floating point numbers at MySQL, but nothing directly related to Hibernate), in fact, it indeed made my life much easier with the Netbeans plugin that does all the “low-level” SQL work leaving you with ready-to-use objects from database tables, and that’s simply wonderful! No need to re-invent the wheel everytime you start a new application. This way I can focus more at UI level programming and doing a much more polished job.

For tonight, that’s it. I’ll be back later.

PS.: The WordPress app sucks at dealing with links at edit level I’ll put the text links later.

Update:  even the wordpress admin panel is not hanling links correctly at WYSIWYG editor, had to place links directly into the post’s HTML.

HabitRPG, chain mail GTD

The last couple of days have been quite productive, mostly to a new kind of motivation, that came in form of achievements on a gamified GTD task manager. I’m talking about HabitRPG, a website/Chrome addon/Android app that rewards your character with gold coins and experience points at every completed task. I’ve rushed in and inserted most of my “expected” tasks, which can be categorized as Habits, Dailies and ToDos.

It can be a little confusing (and sometimes even buggy) at first, but there’s planty of help around a small but vibrant community. I’ll keep using it, it’s been a nice experience so far and I think it only gets better. 🙂